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Nigerian Musicians Rumoured to be Members of Illuminati...It's Not What You Think

Illuminati is a secret society that no one can prove exist, and people recently alledged top musicians like Jay-Z, Kanye West, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Rick Ross, and A$ap Rocky of being members. People have postulated all sorts, from saying they control the world, to mixing their doctrines with that of Freemasons'. What is known a fact is that, around 4 centuries ago, there was a society of men (not so secret), characterised by men of science, who called them selves the Illuminated ones- these bunch were interested in enlightenment of mankind. But, around 3 centuries ago, or their about, they were hunted down one by one and killed, deemed heretics. This killings were done by a very powerful religious sect of the time which rebelled against any type of change.

I hope i have not lost you there? I just wanted to lay down the fundalmentals before i treat the matter at hand. Now, let's go on. There have been series of videos and articles put up on the internet which disect the different lives of artists like Jay-Z and Beyonce...and especially Kanye West; these documentaries show "supposed" hard evidence that they do belong to the Illuminati. If people did a little research, they would discover that all these supposed evil signs and symbols are only "signs and symbols" from ancient Egyptian religions/beliefs which have been around longer than most religions.

 As soon as the deal between D Banj/Don Jazzy got sealed last year (2011) with Kanye West's G.O.O.D Music label., rumors started flying around that they had both joined the supposed secret cult, The Illuminati. And, after D Banj and Don Jazzy broke off their long time business relationship late last year, many people said it was because Don Jazzy didn't want to join the Illuminati. I find these allegations very funny and mediocre.

D Banj, P Square, Goldie, Whiz Kid and Charlie Boy are some of the Nigerian celebrities that have been rumored to be members of this mythical cult- "The Illuminati". What is funny to me is the fact that the one thing most of these individuals have in common is success. Right now, it is almost like any unexplanable success is attributed to the artists alledgedly joining the Illuminati. What the people porpoting this theories believe is that these artists are devil worshipers, and that "the devil" wants to take over the world through them. They say these artists have sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortue. Well, maybe i would believe in stuff like that if i didn't research on such individuals past, and see how much they suffered and strived, and persisted before they became successful. Maybe i would believe in such if the artist in question just sat on their asses (like most people that justify their unambitious lifestyles to not wanting to join a secret society) all day, and fame and money came their way.

Now, i am guessing people are saying- "what about the statement Kanye West made at a particular concert about selling his soul to the devil?" He was only being figurative; he obviously didn't mean that literaly. What he was implying was that he made the kind of music that the people wanted to hear...he made pop (popular type music) and not the regular type of root hip hop music. A lot of people use that phrase a lot, but they sure don't mean they had a meeting with "the devil". So, back to the Nigerian angle of things. D Banj is the most crucified in this matter, because he recently signed to Kanye's label. And there is a picture of him flying around, which has him wearing a "tri dog tag"...a chain with a pyramid like pendant. Just for the information of people, that chain wasn't made specifically for D Banj; it is one of the chains that Nigerian Jeweller, Chris Aires makes, and sells between $3,500- $10,000. So, does it mean anyone that buys that type of chain from Aires is a member of the Illuminati? Or those it mean Chris Aires is "the devil" personal contractor? If a group of people like to associate themselves, or get fascinated by old Egyptian gods and their symbols, that has nothing to do with evil or the devil. It is just funny that these same people that are termed evil are the biggest givers to charity.

And there is the recent connection of P Square's mom's death to that of an illuminati blood sacrifice. Well, Nigerians have always been known to feed off fairy tales like this, so it didn't surprise me when people started buying into such analogies. I remember listenning to BBC news one night with my dad, and they were focusing on a part of Kenya (East Africa), where locals ganged up to kill anyone that appeared to them to be too successful. It's because of a mentality like this, which is common in most parts of Africa that people would believe anything that is put together to support why they are not successful...and why there is some form off evil deeds behind every success stories. It shocked me when I had a conversation with a couple of my co-students at Masters level last year, and i discovered they also had such mentality.

A couple of years ago, i decided to read the whole Bible, from front to back. I read it, not because my Pastor instructed me too, but because i really wanted to have a deeper & personal understanding of my religion. Somewhere in the first four books, i came accross a verse that goes something like this- "and i would bless the heathen (non believers) with the blessing promised to you, as long as they follow the rules i laid down that you have decided not to follow." Of cos, it wasn't written like that, but i want you to get the message of what God was trying to say. I made the mistake of not writing the verse down, and i have asked a lot of Bible scholars about it recently, but no one seem to know where it is. I guess i would have to take time out to read the whole Bible again. But, what i am trying to say is that, this explains why some non believers are successful. People believe all these "Illuminati" stories because they think anyone that is successful without religion has to be a devil worshiper, but this verse overules that. I really wish i had the Bible verse, but i am sure someone out there knows where it is said in the bible.

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