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Thanks for YOU!!

Hey There!

Today's post will be pretty short. I've finished baking 2 sweet potato pies and I still have a few other side dishes to do. I just wanted to make sure I tell you good people how fantastic you guys are and how thankful I am to have you reading my little 'ol blog. 

I am well aware that you could spend that 5 or 10 minutes doing something else. To know that you spent that time with me makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I try to make sure that I'm doing things that you guys like to see (and feel free to comment or email me and let me know if there's something else you'd like see). I hope you guys have as much fun reading each post as I have writing them.

Take today and snuggle with your family. Enjoy the turkey (or tofurkey) and cranberry sauce.

AND, rest up. Tomorrow is my biggest shopping day of the year!!

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