'Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung' Jean Ye-seo noticed the identity of Shin Se-kyung and Furious to Fair Exchange.
In the MBC drama Rookie Historian Goe-ryung (playplayed by Kim Ho-soo and director Kang Il-soo, Han Hyun-hee, and hereinafter Rookie Historian Goe-ryung), which was broadcast on the afternoon of the 28th, the figure of the mother-sister who met with Koo Jae-kyung (Fair exchange) was drawn.
On this day, Koo Jae-kyung asked Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung (Shin Se-kyoung) to "bring a drink from my room" and as soon as he left, Mohwa asked, "When did you have a sister?"
"When did you start looking around the room, when you were the only mother who died before birth and was sick as a family?"
He said, “I remember being sick when I was a child. I prevent the flue. It seems to have been pharyngeal law, "he recalled Rookie Historian Goo Hae-ryung, who said," It was 20 years ago. "
"He is not your brother," Mohwa said. "What the hell are you thinking?"