A perk of working with the amazing EQ Music Blog, besides being able to showcase the talent of under appreciated artists? The awesome artists the site is representing and the fresh music those artists are currently putting out. Parralox and Ryan Adames are two names under EQ's roster and the pair have recently released a joint cover of Noel's 1987 dance hit "Silent Morning" which peaked at number 47 on Billboard's Hot 100 26 years ago. The new take on the track is a bit 80s electronic with a dark flare that sounds unlike anything out on the radio right now. Besides the fierce cover art, the already perfect lyrics, and the flawless production, the voices of Parralox's Amii Jackson and Puerto Rican native Ryan Adames bring out effortlessly chemistry which draws your attention as soon as the first few notes of the song begin to play.
As a member of EQ's team, you would assume I was forced to automatically like the track. That aside, the first listen of the song blew me away for all the right reasons. The eerie-sounding opening and Adames seductive vocals immediately made my ears perk up, even though I must admit Adames does get overshadowed at times by the upbeat, electro-pop supporting beats. Then, Jackson takes over the reigns and her performance comes off as an 80s Madonna, you know when the Queen of Pop was still relevant. "Silent morning, why did your love have to be a lie?", the artists sing together on the euphoric chorus. This modern cover is an 80s baby's dream come true. Or a dream to someone like me who wishes they were born during that time!
"Silent Morning" may just be a cover, not an original piece, but Parralox and Adames completely make it their own. While both artists have been on the scene for a couple of years, this may just be the song that gives them the recognition they deserve. They are not following the worn-out path of the typical dance track, they are taking a risk by digging into the vaults for something unique and different. I admire their talents, I admire their dedication and I am head over heels in love with their new offering, and the best lyric video of 2013. Their first duet is officially a hit, here's hoping the artists pair up again in the near future. What are your feelings towards the 80s-inspired "Silent Morning"? Sound off!