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Spring Renewal Nail Art Challenge Day 2: Pastels

     It's day 2 of the Spring Renewal Nail Art Challenge and today's theme is Pastels. I actually had a hard time coming up with what I wanted to do for today. Every time I decided on an idea I second guessed myself and changed my mind. I wanted to do something very different from what I usually do. Of course, a gradient was the first thing that popped into my mind, and that would have been really pretty. But let's face it, I do a LOT of gradients. Leopard print, random dots, stripes, and some stamping all crossed my mind. I finally decided on the Sugar Spun technique.

     I've wanted to try one of these manicures for some time but have held off because of the mess it can make. But challenges are for pushing yourself to try something new so I jumped in head first. I started with another skittles manicure as my base using all Sinful Colors polishes. Tidal Wave (blue) Song of Summer (green) Unicorn (yellow) and Sweet Tooth (purple).

     I was having a hard time getting the nail polish to be stringy so I could wrap it around my finger so I ended up just dragging big drops across my nails with a dotting tool. Not the true way to do a sugar-spun manicure I know but I got very similar results with much less mess. Hooray for small miracles right!

     Finally, I have a manicure to share in a challenge that I actually really like the final results. Usually I so busy rushing to get it done that I end up with a creation that I'm almost a little embarrassed to share. Not this time!!! I ended up wearing this for the entire day yesterday because I liked it so much and didn't want to take it off right away. Yep, that means I walked around with 4 fingers painted and the rest naked. That's starting to be a trend with us nail bloggers right?

     Well as much as I'd like you to sit here and look at my manicure all day long I really should share with you what everyone else came up with for day 2. Thanks for stopping by, don't forget to check back tomorrow for Spring Flowers Day. Happy Polishing!

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