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What Do You Think About Gwyneth Paltrow Using The "N" Word

There was currently a Watch The Throne Concert in Paris; Actress, Gwyneth Paltrow is a close friend of Kanye and Jay-Z, and she recently tweeted "Niggas In Paris For Real", along with a photo of her dancing on stage. Right now, she is catching a lot of heat for it, as people are saying it was inappropriate for her to have used the word. Now, let me state my mind. First of all, before i continue, let me say, for the people that don't know- "Niggas In Paris" is an uptempo song by Jay-Z and Kanye West, which appears on there Watch The Throne album. This is the title of a song for Christ sake- why shouldn't she be able to say the title of a song. And if you know her, you would know she is a free spirited person.

I am really tired of African-American's making a big deal out of the word and people that can use it. Why go on and on about a word you use to address each other? She is friends' with the people that made the song, and was apparently on stage with them while they performed the song in Paris, and she just tweeted a pic of herself dancing to the song, along with the name of the song she was dancing to. Not like she got on youtube and made a video shouting out- What's Up Niggas!!! Come on! I just think there are so much more things to worry about than this.

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