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Review a-england Briar Rose with a-england Encore Margot stamping

Have I told you all lately how much I love a-england polishes? Well, it's true, they are among my favorite polishes I have now. And I now own 13!!! And I love them all.

Recently I tried out Briar Rose, a beautiful deep pink with a soft holo finish. The thing I love most about a-englands are how subtly beautiful they are. They still have the happy holo glow I love, but it's more refined and less in your face than other holographic polishes are. I guess I feel more mature wearing an a-england, than I do wearing an in your face linear holo (but don't get me wrong, I love those too)!

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I was out of town on a girls weekend, and wanted to bring a polish I would like but that I didn't need to add to to enjoy. This color was just the ticket. Perfect for our adventures out in San Luis Obispo, where it's subtle holo was shining in the beautifully sunny weather.

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When my girl's weekend concluded, I came home wonderful nail mail from the a-england sale I took advantage of earlier this month (in honor of the a-england owners' cat Tristam). So to liven up my manicure I decided to stamp (using XX plate) a-england Encore Margot on top of Briar Rose.

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The results were stunning. The finishes are similar, but the colors were different enough to tell the difference between the two polishes.

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Application: As usual, the a-englands are all almost one coaters, making them perfect for stamping. The forumlas on these were divine.

Where to buy: You can buy a-england polishes (in the US) from Llarowe and Color4Nails. They retail for $10.

Looking ahead: I wouldn't mind using these polishes for stamping in the future, but I think a pairing an a-england holo stamp over a similar creme shade would be gorgeous. Will be working on that in the future!

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