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Share-In-Style #4 | Vintage Florals

Floral dress & ruffled cardigan
Floral dress & ruffled cardigan
Floral dress & purple heels
Copper curls & white fedora
I'm so pleased to be participating in a fabulous feature called Share-In-Style with my ultra stylish blogging friend Aminta of Aminta Online! Together with Sacramento of Mis Papelicos, they host a weekly feature where participants can submit their look based on a certain theme... this is Share-In-Style #4 - Vintage - and here is Aminta herself in the most fabulous maxi skirt:

Aminta Online - Vintage Floral Maxi
If you've never checked out her blog before, you simply have to right now... I adore her style - she is totally unique and never fails to surprise me. I was really flattered to have been asked to take part, so I got my best vintage groove on with my 1970s (80s?) dress and paired it with my fave ruffled cardigan (for a meal out in town to celebrate me leaving my job). I love the fact that we both did vintage florals, both did skirts/dresses, and both did our best twirling :)

If you want to take part in a Share-In-Style feature see Aminta's post here which explains what you need to do!

Happy Friday - here's to a great weekend and some lovely weather, fingers crossed...!
Catherine x
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Shop my look! Items marked* are the actual items, if still available:

Dress: eBay vintage, Cardigan: New Look, Belt: Tk Maxx, Heels: Zalando*, Fedora: Asos, Bracelets: New Look / Debenhams, Watch: Asos, Heart ring: Asos, Nails: Barry M Berry Ice Cream / Barry M Peach Melba / Models Own Bloobloo / Revlon Pink Lingerie / Models Own Lemon Meringue

Linking up to: Share Your Style SaturdaysVisible MondayMonday BloomMonday MingleCreative MondaysFunday MondayWardrobe WednesdaysWhat I Wore Wednesday

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