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Lords of War this weekend

Saturday sees the Wellington Warlords running a 1-day 40k tournament over 5 rounds, called Lords of War.

At 750pts, with a few restrictions on what you can/can't take, its an ideal way to a) get into the game/meet new people; b) try out a new army (before you go and spend bazillions on it), and; c) just have fun rolling dice for a day.

The restrictions are:
-No allies, fortifications,  Escalation, or Stronghold Assault units
-No D weapons
-No Forgeworld or Imperial Armour units
-No dataslates
-No special/ unique/ named characters/ Lords of War (ironically)
-No flyers or flying monstrous creatures [monstrous creatures with wings may move as jump infantry only].
-Elite, fast attack, and heavy support slots limited to 2 unit selections each.
- 1 HQ unit only

So the list I am taking is:

HQ: Lord Commissar, Carapace Armour

No Force Org: Ministorum Priest, Autogun

TR: Veterans: Lasgun, Lascannon, Meltagun x3, Forward Sentries

TR: Infantry Platoon
PCS: 3x Flamer, 1x Heavy Flamer, Krak Grenades, Meltabombs (Commander), Chimera w/Multi-laser + Heavy Bolter
Squad 1: Sergeant w/Power Axe, Plasma Gun, Lascannon
Squad 2: Plasma Gun, Lascannon
HWT 1: 3x Autocannon
HWT 2: 3x Autocannon

FA: Rough Riders (5): Meltagun, Meltabombs (Sergeant)

All that is left to do is paint a laspistol and convert/paint a power axe for the sergeant. 

I must say I am looking forward to getting back into 40k, and being able to use all the gaming paraphernalia that I bought in the UK :). I must start getting all the models out and checking them for breakages... and thank my wife again for supporting my hobby!

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