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I Have More Answers

More questions have arrived which means that it is time for more answers.  Clarifications, really.

Ginter Godfather queried:

Q: How should we score hits of the non-baseball Yankees? Regular full points or because Greg Gumbel looks like a cabbage patch doll he's worth half points? I didn't even know he had a relic... but I would imagine Bob Knight's relic, and the surfer's relic (if it exists?) should have their points adjusted to reflect the anti-Gint-A-Cuff nature of the subject depicted.
A: I'm not quite sure what you mean by "non-baseball Yankees".  By the rest of the question I assume that you mean relic or auto cards of Bob Knight, Ara Parseghian, Dale Webster, and Greg Gumbel.  You would get +10 for the relic or auto, but would be assessed a -1 penalty for being one of those four.

Colbey asked:

Q: Do you get bonus points for pulling an insert of someone else's favorite player? For instance I pulled a Joe Mauer N43 boxloader. +5 for the card itself, but do I get another +2 since the Ginter Godfather chose Mauer?
A: Absolutely.  +5 for the boxloader, +2 for another participant's Favorite Player.

Ross beseeched:

Q: If I pulled a Greg Gumbel Black Mini, does that mean -1 off of the +3 for a black mini? Or does the Gumbelness cancel out the Black Border?
A: The Gumblness cancels out many things, including, but not limited to appetite, but it does not cancel out the Black Border. +3 for black bordered mini, -1 for being Greg Gumbel.

UPDATE (This question came in just after I answered the others.  I didn't want to put it on hold for a few days.)

Charlie pondered:

Q: If you pull an N43 of someone else's favorite player, is it worth +10 only, or +15 (+5 N43 & +10 FP N43)?
A: Very good question.  Not good enough to get you any extra credit, but good.  I see where the scoring rules are confusing.  I'm going to keep pushing the scores up.  It will be additional points.  (+5 N43 & +10 FP N43).  If it is a Yankee, then divide N43 total points by 2.

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