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OCIP...... an EWGS project that you didn't know about

This photo is of most members of the OCIP project group. What what is this, you ask? Obituary Clipping Project! Our goal is to make available any Spokane obituary since our newspaper began about 125 years ago and in the easiest and quickest way possible for the researcher. 

Left to right: Donna Phillips, Patricia Flint, Lynda Keenan, Jeanne Coe, Sonji Rutan and Charles Hansen. Missing that day were PJ Farrance-Rabel and Sandi Gaffney. 

Here's the plan: In the near future, a researcher wanting a certain obituary (say 1942) from Spokane will click to our EWGSI.org website. There will be a link to a master list of where to request an obit from that year. Some will request from EWGS; some will request from the Eastern Washington Historical Society Library (MAC). We were given a 4-foot stack of fairly recent newspapers collected by John Ellingson and have been clipping them, gluing them to archival sheets and will next index them. The boxes in the photo show a really good start on the work of this part of the project.

Want to shout out a big kudo to this team for their dedication. When we began this project in January, we really had no idea how involved it would be. But we are dedicated to see it through to the end.   

Don't YOU think this is  worthwhile project and will be a valuable family history resource in the future?

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