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Theorems & Thaumaturgy Revised Edition: Sample Spread

What I didn't mention the other day, in my post about what's what with the revised Theorems & Thaumaturgy, is the plan for illustrating it. I've decided to go a bit more extravagant than usual with space for art. I mean, not like DCC levels, but more than what I've done in the past. There's space for over 50 illustrations in the layout, so it should be pretty nice looking.

I've just received a couple of illustrations from David Coppoletti, who's one of the artistic dude(tte)s lending their skills to the tome (and doing a sterling job of it!), so I thought I'd show an example page spread, as a wee little preview of the delights to come. (There's also going to be some kind of fancy page decoration at the bottom, but that remains as-yet in the realm of imagination.)

Feast thy sensory apparatus on this A5-format wonderment!

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