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World of Spamcraft

As you know, email spam often amuses me (the Spam in a can I find even more amusing, and it's good to eat! Pan fried, on sandwiches with mustard, but I digress or regress or something). Anyway, take this inbox clogger which I received from Dr. Tracy Dawkins, Dr. Vilma Larsen, Dr. Marissa Mead, and whole bunch of other genuine, absolutely authentic, no foolin' doctors:


Use your chance to make your lady pleased!
But how to do this? It's simply!
Follow this link to learn more
[link used to be here]
Best regards and have an ardent nights


Use your chance to make your lady pleased? I'm guessing it's a website containing instructions on how to put your dirty socks and skivvies in the hamper, or maybe how to shut the hell up during a movie instead of yelling at the TV, or maaaaaybe it suggests stopping to ask for directions.

Nope, none of the above.

The key is that last line: Have an ardent nights. Apparently, my lady will be pleased to spend the night playing this game on line.

Uh, we're not having any of that, thank you very much.

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