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Jesse Jefferson Was Probably Daniel Cabrera's Private Pitching Coach- UPDATED

Here is the career advice that I think Jesse gave D-Cab at the start of his career; "Give up a bunch of home runs, make sure your win-loss record is well below .500, and don't be afraid of throwing wild pitches or hitting batters. Oh, and keep that career ERA around 5."

Cabrera was an even more wild version of Jesse, but they both had control problems, as is evidenced by the fact that they both walked precisely 520 batters. Weird, right?

There is an outside chance that D-Cab could make it back to the Bigs to add to that total while I think it's safe to say that the 61 year old Jefferson has officially hung up his spikes. Yeah, it took JJ almost 200 more innings to walk that many batters but D-Cab has 152 more K's, so pick your poison.

UPDATE- A man claiming to be Jesse's son left this "eloquent" comment ( I edited it to keep things PG):
"F@#$ both of yall...that's my father you dumb f*$& are talking about..if my father or Cabrera had a f@$#ing pitching coach to help them with their control like pitching coaches today you wouldn't have s@#$ to say."

And here's what I have to say about that:

Sorry if I offended you, but I don't feel like I was particularly rude in my post, I was just merely making a connection between two Orioles pitchers who had similar stat lines. Your dad's stats are what they are, and although it's possible that your dad would have had more success if he had different coaching, there's no way to say for sure. 

Also, here is the link to the post that I wrote shortly after your father passed away. I feel like I was quite respectable to him in that one.

So maybe, do a little bit more research before the next time you blast someone on the internet. After all, people can write almost anything they want online, and I feel like what I did was fairly trivial.

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