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Accepting But Letting Go Of The Past

letting go of the past

I am one of those people that gets on with their daily life and moments from the past very randomly pop into my head. 99% of the time, they're not good memories and they can really get me down. I then start questioning 'what if?' and brainstorm many ways on how I could've done things differently. 

Why didn't I break up with my ex sooner? Why didn't I listen to my best friends and families advice? What if I stayed in that job? I would've had my new car by now. 
I wish I saw my nan again before she passed.
What if I stayed at college?
I wish I never done that, what if I would've done this instead?
Honestly, it's ridiculous what kind of things run through my head. It has taken me so bloody long to actually accept the past and I'm sure so many other people can relate. Some things are harder to let go than others and that's completely normal.

how to let go of the past

letting go of the past blog

how to accept the past

The most important part of letting go of the past is understanding your past. You need to answer those questions and what ifs. It won't happen overnight but every time these thoughts pop into your head, answer them. Eventually, you'll understand your past, and then you can accept to let go.
What happened in the past were experiences and a part of life. Basically, you wouldn't be where you are now if it weren't for your past.

You can then start looking forward to your future. Write down your achievements and set goals for yourself and just focus on these. The new year is coming up really soon which is perfect for this.
The most important thing I've understood is that I've lived to experience these adventures. Nobodys perfect and I won't let my past define me. I've set goals for the near future which I'm very much looking forward to. And most of all, I'm grateful.

btw, this pumpkin was super heavy! 

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