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CVIII. The Wilderness Project vol.7


 Part three of my chapel build. As the WIP photographs will show, I managed to accomplish plenty in the last two weeks:

I built box windows on the remaining three sides of the tower...
... and then the fun with roof shingles could begin. Starting with the smallest ones, I covered all the roof surfaces over the course of about a week.
Somewhere in between I put together a huge stag skull that will hang above the front entrance. I used bits from Mierce Miniatures and green stuff. Like the other skulls, it is not yet glued in place. They will be painted separately so that I can reach the walls behind them without difficulty.
The Countess inspecting the tiled roof. She approves.
There are close to 4.000 shingles in total, made of 1mm balsa and glued individually on the roof.

After that I finally decided to tackle the wodewose carvings above the door. I sculpted them with air-drying clay. There is paint on them in order to better see the effect. Not bad, but there is room for improvement. Perhaps I'll do better on my next project. I also put some peeling plaster on certain areas. These will later contain text.
The final bit I built was the very tip of the tower. It is removable for easier storage and transport, as the chapel is quite tall. The pyramid roof wasn't tiled with balsa; I rather sculpted the shingles with clay. The cross was assembled from jewelry elements.
So, this is it. I will most probably add more decorative bits here and there at a later point. But right now the chapel is ready for painting. You will also notice that I only have one trophy post - the rest will be crafted and added later as well. Much left to do.
What do you think about the progress so far? Let me know in the comments below.

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