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Friday Favorites

This week's favorites are...

Banana muffins from Sam's Club. They're really more like cake than a muffin... sooooo, cake for breakfast. Who wouldn't love that?

My favorite flowers from my love for Valentine's Day.  
I love the pretty, soft colors and the purple vase.

Sunny winter days. We've had so much, dark, dreary weather that the sunny days are a blessing!
And look at that blue sky... there wasn't a cloud in sight. Of course we have to pay for this beautiful day... the next day our temps plummeted to below zero and are going to stay there for a while.

Some Valentine treats for my little loves. Chocolate covered strawberries, or as my oldest grandson calls them "The Best Strawberries EVER" and chocolate peanut butter hearts. I intended to make the pretty little drizzles on the berries but apparently you can't do that with melted chocolate, so I made squiggles instead. Not the prettiest but they taste darned good! (And, yes, that's a Christmas plate that they are on... it's the last one. No sense wasting it!)

I went to Walmart to get strawberry syrup and these were right in the middle aisle. I walked by them, but then I heard this voice that said, "Seriously? You're going to walk right by bacon and cheese?"  So I went back and put a box in my cart. Soooo good, hope these are going to stick around.

What are your favorite things, what made you smile this week?

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