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Here we go in 2018 - plastics, plastics and more plastics

So the first gaming stuff of the year is underway.  Inspired by our recent Lion Rampant variant game with dark ages figures, I got a batch of Saxons and Vikings.  

Here's some of stuff so far.  The big debate I'm having is on basing and if 20mm or 25mm is best.  Initially I was thinking 20mm might do, but I've increasing come round to wanting more space around the figures.  

I also realised that by putting the figures on the sabot bases intended for 20mm bases, I was getting a different impression of the figures as a group because the sabot base works out as the equivalent of 25mm bases side by side. 

The base size debate will continue as I continue to build the figures, but I'm thinking 25mm may be best.  

And here's the other stuff waiting in the wings. Vikings and dark age warriors.  

More later.

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