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Are Democrats sabotaging Biden?

The headline on Fox was vaguely familiar. It said, "Geese honking, iPhone ringing: Biden event beset by bloopers."

The headline was reminiscent of a story by Makena Kelly 2 months earlier, "Joe Biden’s first virtual town hall was an absolute technical nightmare."

Kelly wrote in March, "When I logged onto Joe Biden’s first-ever virtual town hall, I was greeted with one Illinois senator adjusting the angle of her webcam and another showing off an adorable (but screaming) baby in an oddly intimate video call before the former vice president even appeared onscreen. What was at first an awkwardly silent video conference evolved into a complete technical nightmare that resulted in Biden sounding as if he was screaming in TV static for the first few minutes of the event."

Zach Parkinson of the Trump campaign gloated.
I suppose that could be written off as beginner's bad luck.

Kelly was kind, writing, "Hopefully the Biden campaign and others can get it together before November, or at least until the pandemic fades."

But 2 months later, Democrats continue to be feckless in their virtual campaigning.

Fox reported, "Former Vice President Joe Biden faced a number of distracting interruptions Monday during a virtual speech: honking geese, chirping birds, a ringing iPhone and what was assumed to be a Secret Service agent standing in the background of his shot."

What gives?

Surely a Democrat campaign funded lovingly by our social media overlords should be able to pull off a simple podcast without being heckled by geese.

Canada geese at that.

Fox reported, "At one point, Biden, whose windows appeared to be open in the background, had to address the obnoxious squawking."

Biden said, "You're going to hear, there's a pond on the other side of my property here. A lot of Canadian geese. If you hear them honking away, they're cheering, that's what they're about."

Yes, cheering. That's the ticket. Canada geese are cheering for Lunch Bucket Joe.

Matt Viser, a reporter at the Washington Post joined in the fray.
Something is happening. The campaign people closest to him are not protecting him. Surely the Canada geese did not spontaneously erupt out of nowhere. Even if they did, why did someone not close the window?

And why was an iPhone ringing?

Maybe he has surrounded himself with idiots. Or maybe he has surrounded himself with people who want to tank the campaign because they realize how ill he is. Either way, he needs to fix the bloopers. Fast.

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