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A huge thank you to my fellow bloggers who have given my blog the following awards

One Lovely Blog Award
given by Tira at Runaway Moments
I pass this award along to
Kristen at In the Write Way
Kjersten at Collage Clips

Heart Felt Award
given by Julie at 'Silver Lining'
I pass this award along to:
Deb Shucka at CatbirdScout
Tamika at The Write Worship

Dragon's Loyalty Award
given by Steph Faris at 'Steph in the City'
I pass this award along to:
Rosslyn at Inkhorn Blue

Best Blog Award
given by Deb at 'Ranch Girl Ramblings'
I pass this award along to:
Wine and Words at Quiet Commotion
Jason Evans at Clarity of Night

Awardees, please feel free to take the award and post it on your blog, then pass the award on to other bloggers that you feel are deserving :)

Thank you to all of you for your support of my little blog. It means a lot. Really :)

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