Another blog buddy, Karen Denise over at I'm Always Write... But Often Wrong tagged me for the following game. Karen has a great sense of humour and she's a lot of fun to follow!
- I like spring break! I can do bloggy things during the day :)
- I like my teaching job & "my" kids
- I like animals and considered becoming a biologist to study animals. My first choices were whales, wolves and gorillas
- I like teddy bears of all kinds
- I like the Space Channel
- I like sunshine
- I like so many kinds of music
- I like baking
- I love my family - I have the best kids & hubby ever!
- Today is a glorious, sunshin day - seriously it's the middle of March and the snow is almost gone!! In Canada - Northern Ontario no less!
- I hate when my kids are hurt
- I hate watching people I love suffer with illness
- I hate racism and prejudice
- I hate meanness and small-mindedness
- I hate child abuse in all its many forms
- I hate rotten celebrity role models
- I hate when money is more important than people
- I (secretly) like brussel sprouts!
I love writing. Creating new people and forcing them to suffer through all kinds of torture is so much fun! :)
On another happy note, I've received a few more awards from even more great blogging buddies. Shelley over at Stories in the Ordinary awarded me the Creative Writer Award. Shelley's fun perspective on life makes her a great bloggy friend.

The delightful Suzette & Bethany over at Shooting Stars awarded me the Butterfly Award. You have to meet these ladies is you haven't already done so!
Thanks to all! I'm going to pass along these awards to a few more bloggers who are new to me. Once again, these are no pressure awards. Choose whichever award you like - or play the tag game at the top. Have fun!
Tiana Lei at Spilled Ink
Rosalind Adam at Rosalind Adam is Writing in the Rain
Shelley at Stories in the Ordinary
Kathi Oram Peterson at Kathi's Writing Nook
Erica at
E. Elle at The Writer's Funhouse
Marisa Birns at Out of Order Alice
Shawna Weeks at The Forever Blog
Have a great day everyone - I'm going outside to walk in the sunshine. And maybe rake a little too - I can see grass!