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Happy New Month | Affirmations For July

Happy New Month.

I hope you guys are doing well. We are officially in the second half of the year. I hope the year is going as planned for you. 

Happy New Month | Affirmations For July

Mine has been good so far and it's been full of planning, planning, planning. I get so busy these days that I have to make a plan in order to get all that I want to do done.

Happy New Month | Affirmations For July

Did you know today the 1st of July is Regae day? It makes me think of the king of Regae - Bob Marley and his songs. I listened to some regae music today to celebrate the day.
First of July is also international Joke day. I wish I had a joke to tell but let me say that jokes are a good way to help us smile, laugh and create fun memories. So let go of the uptighness sometimes and accept jokes. I know that some jokes are expensive. I mean not all jokes are jokes so mind the things you say about people all "in the name of a joke".

To begin this month well, here are some affirmations to help you achieve what you wish for.

- I deserve a new beginning this year

- This month is a new beginning for me 

- I am healthy this second part of the year

- I am safe this second half of the year

- I deserve good things this new month

- I am going to achieve all that I set my mind to this month

- My plans will not fail this second half of the year

- Happiness is my potion this new month

- My life is getting better this month

- I am motivated to work hard this month

Those are the affirmations for this month. Have a blessed month. 

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