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Round 4 in the Underhive

Round 4 of our Necromunda campaign and four of us turned up:

Me with my Cawdor
Rory with his Redemptionists
Andy with his squats
Dave with his Goliath Mob.

We rolled for random deployment again and I ended up deployed between Andy and Rory, with Dave on the opposite table edge.  Andy got the first turn, with me second, then Rory and Dave going last.

Boxed in.
Andy had his first go and using vents deployed two of his gang on top of a nearby building, granting him an excellent field of fire over my position.  In my turn my gang all ran for cover, either trying to stay out of site to looking for good firing positions.  Rory opted to go for a headlong charge towards me, while Dave started to send his mob towards Andy's gang.  
Under fire right from the start!

Turn two and when it rolled round to Andy his two advance gangers opened fire, putting one of my men out of action and pinning the other. Not a good start!  In my turn I returned fire with little success, while also trying to take out a few of the approaching Redemptionists, but to no avail.  Rory continued his advance, with a few shots pinning some of my gang members, while Dave swarmed toward Andy.   

Andy hastily redeployed to meet the approaching Goliaths, thankfully leaving me in peace as I had enough to deal with.  I tried to thin out the redemptionist numbers but could only manage a measly two downed from the heavy flamer, with everything else missing.  Rory's return fire was decisive, with three of my gang going down to their return fire, which combined with earlier casualties left me a bit short of men.

They're coming!
Across the other side of the board Dave had got stuck into Andy's squats and downed a fair few. Enough to force a bottle test on Andy, which he duly failed leaving three on the board.  I was right behind him as my casualties were starting to mount so I decided to call it a night there and cut my losses, leaving Dave and Rory to fight for the spoils.   Dave resorted to a bull rush on Rory, which worked quite well as Rory decided he had had enough as well, leaving Dave the victor!

Another short game (very short for me and Andy) and to make matters worse I lost my Heavy with the heavy flamer who succumbed to his wounds.

There was some post game discussion and there was a certain amount of dissatisfaction with the games.  In the end we came to the conclusion that the table was not large enough to allow for much in the way of movement. In three of the four games so far I had barely managed to get of my baseline, with vents and tunnels also proving invaluable as it let you deploy quite forward and create a buffer for you to move into.  Also most of the scenarios are designed for 2 players and cannot really be played with any more than that but there does not seem to be an easy solution to that as part of the attraction of these games is the social aspect and they would be lost if we went to two player games only. 

Next campaign game we are going to try a bigger table to see if that helps any, but my gang is starting to really suffer so I don't think that I am much of a contender any more in the campaign.  I will keep at it though and see how it goes!  

Apologies for the terrible photos this week (they are always terrible I know but these ones are worse than usual), as I pretty much forgot to take very many. 

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