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Man Up ✌ BAD BEHAVIOUR ✌ MaybeInvite Public · Hosted by ::Man Up:: / TLC - Red Light Special (Dirty Version)


Join us for a drag show to explore and question the meaning and image of "badness", from mainstream ideologies to pop culture to queer politics, and more!

ALSO, January 31st marks our 4TH ANNIVERSARY of moving ::Man Up::to The Cobalt... In remembrance of our roots at Lick, and in gratitude for our current home, we celebrate!!

✌ Ponyboy
✌ Brokeback Brothers
✌ Rose Butch
✌ Ruby Slickeur
✌ Ginger Femmecat 
✌ Draco Muff-Boi
✌ more TBA!

✌ Djmiss M

Photography by Lindsay Elliott for lindsaysdiet.com
Poster art by Maya Bar-Elan
Buddy System in effect!
Sober-inclusive environment!

Doors 9pm
Show 11:15pm
Cover $8 before 10 ($13 after)
(Pay what you can option now available at all our events! Email us at manupdrag@gmail.com to inquire)

Ⓘ @manupvancouver
Ⓣ @manupdrag
✍ manupdrag@gmail.com

All Buddy System volunteers will be visible with glow in the dark bracelets on both wrists.
Buddy System FAQ:

What does a Buddy do?
A Buddy helps you get water when you've had a lot to drink. A Buddy runs interference when there's someone hitting on you that you don't want hitting on you. A Buddy can talk to door security about creepy dudes in the bar if you’re too shy to. A Buddy does their best to keep an eye on your stuff so it doesn't get stolen and on your drink so it doesn't get tampered with. And very importantly, a Buddy makes sure you have a way of getting home safely after the bar - especially if you've been drinking.

Why a public Buddy System?
This is a response to predatory acts of violence including sexual assault and date rape drugs in drinks committed by outsiders targetting women in and around the Cobalt. In the spirit of Take Back The Night, Home Alive, and other similar movements, we will not back down and give up our space - we will STEP UP and create a community based response. Most people going to bars on Saturday nights get loaded, so they're not so awesome at doing Buddy System stuff and watching each other's backs... or their own. So we’re standing up to say "HEY, WE'LL WATCH YOUR BACK!" This is not an infallible system and this response won't end violence against women, but the least we can do is look out for each other and show some love for our community.

“I Don’t Need A Buddy, I’m Fine”
Okay, so just come over and say hello! Have some water with us or share a smoke! Part of building community and creating safer environments is knowing who you’re sharing space with. Then maybe one day you will need the Buddy System and you’ll already know who you’re looking for and feel more comfortable asking for help. I am personally building the Buddy System from a harm reduction perspective. Part of my day job is working with heavy drug users in the Downtown Eastside in a harm reduction based environment; part of the reason why I got that job is because I’m a recovered cocaine addict who’s struggled with excessive binge drinking. Whether you’re drunk, high on E, doing blow, or looking for rolling papers or clean rigs, there is ZERO judgement of your choice to get inebriated – we just wanna get you home SAFE!

Buddy System participants (including myself) will be visible with glow in the dark bracelets on both wrists. If you would like to participate in the Buddy System movement come find me (blonde hair, white tank top, light blue jeans, white stripper boots!) and I'll have glow in the dark bracelets for anyone else who's willing to stay sober and watch out for the safety and wellbeing of our community.

If you are at Man Up and you need a Buddy, come find our glow in the dark bracelet crew and we'll help you have a funner, safer night!

- Plan to leave the venue with a buddy.
- Do NOT leave your drink unattended. EVER.
- If someone you don’t know offers to buy you a drink and you want to accept, go to the bar with them and have bar staff make it in front of you and give it to you directly.
- Help yourself to the water tap at the end of the bar! Water’s free! If you need water to go, come see Buddy System participants and we’ll get you a water bottle to take home.

- sealed water bottles
- transit tickets
- safer sex packs: condoms, gloves, lube
- rolling papers
- clean rigs/sterile waters/alcohol wipes (discretely packed)

The entrance to the venue is at street level with no lip. There is no room for comfortably parking a wheelchair/scooter. Seating consists of hi-top tables and bar stools. There are two washrooms with entrances 26" wide. Of the two washrooms, which are both gender neutral on queer nights, the one beside the stage generally marked "Men's" is somewhat more accessible with a stall that measures 5' long by 3' wide with an inwards swinging door and a wall-mounted sink at least 28" high.
*PLEASE NOTE* Both washrooms are currently being renovated for enhanced accessibility, and we'll post the updates when they become available. If you have any questions about the changes in the meantime, email info@thecobalt.ca or manupdrag@gmail.com and we'll do our best to answer them!
Cobalt staff and Man Up organizers will be available to assist with any disability concerns at the event. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Man Up at the email address above.
A detailed accessibility audit conducted by Pussy Liquor for RAMP Accessibility Project is available here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0As1n0augDG8kdDRiT3FaYlZuRFhSaUVaVWJCTmZ2NHc&usp=sharing#gid=0
If you would like an audit conducted please contact rampvancouver@gmail.com.

We acknowledge that this event is being held on unceded Indigenous land belonging to the Coast Salish peoples. This includes the territories of the Musqueam, Skxwú7mesh-ulh, Stó:lo & Tsleil-Waututh nations.

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