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The Nazi’s Greatest Inventions

The Fiegerfaust was designed by HASAG (Hugo Schneider AG) of Leipzig in the year 1944; the Luftfaust was shaped in two diverse accounts. The first version was called the Fliegerfaust A, had four 20 mm caliber barrels. These fired 20 mm projectiles weighing 90 g which contained 19 g of explosive, impelled with the help of a small rocket. The second type was named as the Fliegerfaust B in which the Germans improved the first type with increasing the length of the barrels, and by adding another 5 barrels, for a total of 9 barrels. The weapon had a total length of 150 cm and weighed 6.5 kg. First 4 rounds from every second barrel were fired immediately and the remaining five 0.1 second later to avoid damaging the projectiles themselves by the rockets’ exhaust fumes and from interfering with their courses.

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