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Albuquerque, New Mexico

We overnighted in Albuquerque, New Mexico, last night. It was a windy drive into town. Fortunately, we were driving straight into the wind, and so the only harm done was to our fuel economy. We'll take that over a side wind any day of the week. It snowed here in Albuquerque recently. You can see that there is a dusting of snow in the Sandia mountain range.

There were also patches of snow on the ground in town and in the RV park. This made us very nervous and the temperature continued to fall below freezing until it started climbing at some point during the night. Snow showers were possible, but none materialized. This morning we're at 38 degrees.

The past two days have been spent taking care of "life" business. In that time I've washed 7 loads of laundry, we've been to the post office, and we've stocked up on groceries. Now we're set for another week or so. In all of that we managed to fit in a little fun yesterday. We took a ride to see the Musical Road on Route 66. You might recall our visit to the musical road in Lancaster, California, last year. You can read about it and see the video at this blog post right here.

That one was a little different in that the strips that made the song extended across the entire lane of traffic. Here in Albuquerque (Tijeras, actually), they were off to the side in the form of a rumble strip. To hear the song, it was necessary to line up our passenger-side tires on the strip just outside the white line at the edge of the road. You can see the sign announcing the musical road in the image below.

To hear it in the video below, you're going to have to turn up your volume as high as you can get it. The song is very quiet, but listen carefully, and I think you'll hear it. If you can't see the video, then click right here.

So, fun, huh? According to the website Mental Floss, there are at least five musical roads in the world. The other three are in Denmark, South Korea, and Japan. We don't expect to get to any of those places.

Today's journey will take us to a new-to-us destination...as most of our journey has. In this case, it wasn't on our original agenda. We are making our way to Hemet, but we have a monthly site there, and we don't want to arrive until March 1st. A few of you have asked about Hemet. It's a mid-sized town near Riverside, California. There's nothing special about Hemet, but we really like the RV park where we stay there. They have a couple of nice pools, and three hot tubs. Also, lots of activities, including a quilting group for me, and a volleyball game for Mike. In the future, we expect to winter over there when the cold weather arrives back home. We could be there in a couple of days if we wanted to, but instead, we're marking off the days on the calendar by spending some time in some new venues.

For the next three nights, we'll be at Elephant Butte Lake State Park in New Mexico. We saw it on the map, and decided to give it a try. I'll tell you more about it in tomorrow's post.

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