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Sunday Starships: Tale of the Comet

Back in 1997, the old TSR produced a boxed set called Tale of the Comet as part of its Odyssey line of game settings.  This particular product took the concept of a crashed spaceship a la Barrier Peaks and cranked it up to eleven.
I picked up my copy at Half-Price Books many years ago.  The box contained three booklets, several maps, and numerous play aids.  Tale had stats for sci-fi weapons and gear, as well as data on vehicles and machine opponents who appear in the campaign world via a starship wreck.
With this adventure, you could even take the fight to the stars in a working spacecraft.  That's right--D&D In Spaaaace!  Note the self-destruct mechanism, built right into the dashboard--when blowing up your ride just can't wait!
I never played this back in the day, but at the time I did get a kick out of the art.  Did anyone else ever use any part of this adventure in their gaming?  Had you even heard of it before now?

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